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tv   9 News Now at 6pm  CBS  July 20, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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. good evening, i'm lesli foster. the sister and aunt of two murder victims believes her family is in danger from kill who r ain emat large four months after the murders. dolores and e-bony were found in that burning car. here is more news in the case. >> reporter: patricia smith went to the largo home where her sister and niece were murdered in march. they were killed in march. vandals had been there first. [crying]. >> they broke into the hse . atria smith is the sister of dollars dewitt,
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the aunt of ebonny. their bodies why found in a burned car. police say there is no evidence showing the crimes are connected to another murder earlier. when smith visited her abandoned home this morning she found vandals had been there first. she called police who told her to stay outside. >> exit the house or a search will be conducted. >> reporter: police found no one inside. smith has been conducting her own investigation and fears this may be retribution. >> there's something going on here. either those animals are still out there trying to send a message, tell us to shut up. but i'm not going to do that. they will have to gag me, bag me, tag me, i'm not going to shut up. >> reporter: she says she believes detectives are doing the best they can, but promises to continue her own investigation. >> my sister would do the same for me. she would do the same for me. she wouldn't rest content until
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something -- this case is solved. >> reporter: that interview was conducted by scott broom. as of late this afternoon, prince george's county police say there's nothing new to report in their investigation. now to the bonita jacks murder trial and something unusual happened in the courtroom today that forced the judge to take a break and catch his breath. digital correspondent audrey barnes has been following this case since it started last week. she joins us live with more. >> reporter: assistant medical examiner wayne williams testified today about the autopsy he performed on brittany jacks. he ruled the manner of death homicide, based on evidence suggesting that she'd been stabbed at least three times. that and everything else he saw at the house on 6th street. because of the high profile nature of this case, assistant medical examiner wayne williams went to the scene himself. he said the body of 16-year-old
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brittany jacks was so decomposed "it looked like she was melting into the wooden floor beneath her." prosecutors believe bonita jacks, killed her first and the three other children after. today in court, items in these boxes, including the tiny little t-shirts the girls were wearing and other evidence gathered at the scene, was presented at part of the case. the scent of death on them was so overwhelming the judge had to take a break to decide if the other items would be taken out in open court. jacks didn't seem bothered by that, but as prosecutors showed, crime scene photos of brittany medical examiner, she looked away, put her hands on her face and refused to look at them. more autopsy results expected tomorrow on brittany jacks' three little sisters, ages 5, 6, and 11.
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at least four dui cases have been tossed out bought after new u.s. supreme court ruling. fred and kay cooke lost their 19-year-old daughter morgan in a drunk driving crash in 2007. the driver of the car she was in was drunk, speeding, and hit a tree. he's serving three years behind bars. but the cooks worry other drives will go through because of this ruling. >> the more the court system, all the way from the local courts to the supreme court does to gain the process, i can assure you that numbers that are going down now for driving while impaired incidents are going to go back up. >> the ruling is based on the u.s. constitution's sixth amendment that says defendants have a right to confront their accusers. the high court ruled that that includes breath test technicians. but because there are so few of them and so many dui cases,
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prosecutors say it's too great a burden. defense attorney says the ruling puts both sides on a more level playing field. >> the u.s. military is working around the clock to rescue an american soldier held hostage in afghanistan. 23-year-old bowe bergdahl was kidnapped this months. we heard from the idaho native on saturday when the taliban posted a video on line. >> i'm scared. i'm scared i won't be able to go home. a very unnerving to be a prisoner. >> our commanders are sparing no effort to find this young soldier. and i also would say my personal reaction was one of disgust at the exploitation of this young man. >> a statement read by the county sheriff today where bowe lived says that his family has been overwhelmed by the support
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that they have received. fighting wars in after began afghanistan and iraq say it's taking a toll on the army. so they're increasing their ranks to meet the needs around the world. president obama is still working to pass his health care reform plan. president obama says the current system works better for insurance companies and drug companies than for the american people. he says this issue is bigger than politics. >> this isn't about me. this isn't about politics. this is about a health care system that is breaking america's families. breaking america's businesses and breaking america's economy. and we can't afford the politics of delay and defeat when it comes to health care. not this time, not now. there are too many lives and livelihoods at stake. too many families who will be crushed if insurance premiums continue to rise three times as fast as wages.
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>> the head of the republican party accuses the president of conducting risky experiments with the american health care system. michael field says republicans will continue to hammer that message. the democrats plan will be a closal closed system with washington making medical decisions. >> many of the democrats know that voters won't stand for these kind of foolish prescriptions for our health care or for ourselves. we do, too. that's why republicans will do everything humanly possible to remind voters about the risky experimentation going on in washington. >> michael field says the president's plan will end up hurting the economy and forcing millions to get rid of the coverage they now have. president obama is expecting to address the plan during a prime-time news conference on wednesday. the world watched on july 20th, 1969, when apollo 11
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crewmen, neil armstrong and buzz aldrin, became the first men to step foot on the moon. but in the four decades since we haven't gone much further. buzz aldrin says the next giant step needs to be a mission to mars. and what a view! astronauts on board the international space station commemorated the first moon walk with a space walk of their own. they stock piled spare parts on the outside of the station. it was the 202nd space walk since apollo blasted off for the moon. well, now you can explore the moon right from your desktop. ahead, we'll tell you about a new program that is out of this world. and topper. >> a few showers have pushed into the immediate metro area. we'll take you out with the almanac. good break in terms of temperature. go to our website you can access this. 84 and 70. average is 79 and 71. record high, 106. that's one of the highest readings ever set back in 1930.
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record low, 53. we'll come back, look at live doppler 9000 and a little bit of heat that is going to roll in here ever so slowly. stay tuned. and back to school without a sales tax holiday for one area. we'll telyoeuorju mn i 6stb@ 5conds.
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. no sales tax holiday this year. not in the district. this past years shoppers had several days during the summer to stock up on back-to-school clothes and other items, minus the sales tax. but with times so tough the district needs every spare dollar. the repeal of the sales tax holiday will bring in 640,000 bucks. that's a drop in the bucket. they face a budget gap of $660 million and today, the dc council held a public hearing on
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ways to close that gap. the mayor submitted his budget plan to the council on friday. it calls for fewer ear marks for neighborhood organizations. they vote upon the budget later this month. . you can plan your dream wedding for half the price. in tonight's living smart focus, ayso wmes toelpou yave s big. uedied wng wsknersor a f esad mey.htighathe byppo t givyou andusus jict t forhe ssne ge. ak cak cutting out ofou yrer co bo.t fenri fdsndilam fy a theeilnd aiara can add up. and enter contests. who knows, you might just get lucky. up next, how you can take your mission to the red planet. but first, here's a preview of tonight's cbs evening news. 40 years after man first walked on the moon we remember walter cronkite reporting on one
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th his favouriteesrito riat's tonight only on the cbs evening news.
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/d my husband and i, we love to go to steakhouses i can smile, i can carry on our conversation i do most of the talking yes i wear dentures and they fit wonderful super poligrip acts as a seal between my dentures and my gums super poligrip makes eating more comfortable. even well fitting dentures can feel more comfortable with super poligrip. just a few dabs of super poligrip create a seal between your dentures and gums to make them more comfortable while you eat. i can eat my steak, i just love it. try super poligrip. ...or if you're already sick... ...or if you lose your job. your health insurance shouldn't either.
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so let's fix health care. if everyone's covered, we can make health care as affordable as possible. and the words "pre-existing condition" become a thing of the past... we're america's health insurance companies. supporting bipartisan reform that congress can build on. it's not just one thing it's everything. tylenol and advil don't do as much as pamprin. it's the everything in one pill. pamprin multi-symptom
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. officers have reopened belmont ridge road in ashburn which was shut down for most of the afternoon because after accident. a box truck and a pickup truck collided. 9 people were rushed to hospital, two of them in critical condition. police are trying to figure out what happened but it appears the driver of the box truck ran a stop sign. a second child has died from his injuries in that riverdale, maryland, apartment fire. it broke out on friday at a home on 56 place. two young brothers were pulled from the home. 5-year-old jordan farrell died later that day and now his 7-year-old brother jai alexander died last night. the fire was caused but unattended food left on a stove. and d.c. firefighters went to the scene of a fire to deliver a safety message. they spoke to people where a kitchen fire claimed the life
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after 80-year-old resident. they went door to door to check smoke alarms and talk about fire exits. to another update. we are learning now that the woman shot last tuesday in falls church has dade. hillary bradford got into an argument with her ex-boyfriend named john valentini and he shot bradford and held police at bay before taking his own life. has the investigation continues into the deadly train crash, delays are continuing. if you take those trains, metro says you should add an extra 30 minutes to your trip. starting thursday, investigators may close the takoma station each night at 10:00 so that they can continue collecting data. u.s. senator barbara mccluskey is moving slower these
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days. she broke her ankle in three places on sunday and is awaiting surgery. she said she's receiving excellent care than this is the kind of care she would want for all of her constituents. >> it's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. >> apollo 11's astronauts want mars to be the next great leap for mankind. buzz aldrin the second man to set foot on the moon 40 years ago today says the best way to honor the astronauts is to bodily go on another mission. they met with president obama at the white house today and many of us look at old photos and videos and try to understand what it's like to go to the moon. but google has made it easier by creating a 3d atlas of the moon.
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here's that story. >> that's one small step for man. >> reporter: we saw them step on the moon for the first time, but what did they see behind their vicars. >> reporter: advisors. >> we can actually tilt and fly around and get a sense of the space around these objects. >> reporter: michael malik says teamed up with nasa to get the most up-to-date data. you can look at the moon's terrain, see where the apollos landed, watch videos of space walks, even see the impact other nations have had on the moon. >> ones you learn everything there is no know -- once you learn everything there is to know about the moon you can move on to mars. >> reporter: buzz aldrin hopes this map will encourage the country to plan a trip and go. >> the moon to mars is the most
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strategic place i can think of because from there we can control robots in real time. >> and unlike the trip to the moon or mars, it is free to use google earth moon and mars. we've got instructions on how to download the program and more moon facts on our website, can you follow up that? >> you and i are too young to remember that. >> of course. >> you say that with a straight face. >> that's right. you know, ran into john howard, used to play basketball here in chicago. >> very nice guy. go to my blog and see it, that's all i'm saying. here's my forecast, first. >> and that has something to do with weather. >> no, i want you to read my blog. 81 tomorrow, 85 on wednesday. temperatures going up a little bit. showers possible tomorrow, thunderstorm possible on wednesday, and little better
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chance after storm on thursday. temperatures by then will be in the upper 80s, which is actually pretty close to average. average is 89. this is the hottest time of the year and we've been ducking the heat pretty well. for tonight, mostly cloudy, comfortable. some showers, low temperatures in the 60s. most of the showers or at least the best chance will be south and west of us. the activity is heavy down to the south of us. down in southern sections of charles county and just down i-95 before you get to fredericksburg it's hefty at this hour. moving slowly. it will drift to the north. nothing heavy gets up into prince george's count or fairfax or montgomery. heavy activity south of town. in fact, let's zoom in. we've been watching this all
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evening, really, hefty down in mechanicsville. we'll put this into motion, and this is going to work its way up 95 on the west side of 95 through stafford up through gold vein and maybe heavy activity up in woodbridge the next half hour. most of it is light. couple areas are slow moving and they're more intense. to the west, showers and a few areas of heavy rain south of 50. this into motion. this is going to continue to move off to the north and cross 50 around to cumberland and it gets heavy as you get to the west of paw-paw. >> back to the compute we are go and look at temperatures. this is a bargain, 76 in wood bridge, and there's clouds holding the temperatures down. just nice and comfortable. mostly cloudy, shower possible in the morning. by afternoon, mostly cloudy but pleasant. some showers possible, winds out of the east at 10. zone forecast, we're looking at temperatures around 80, couple
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of showers possible, 80 in leesburg, 82 in woodbridge. low 80s downtown, 83 in waldorf. satellite picture, radar combined, everything is moving from south to due north. again, most heavy activity will stay just south of us. next seven days, 81 tomorrow, shower, thunderstorm possible on wednesday, mid-80s, then upper 80s on thursday, a few storms, maybe a shower on friday. we're flirting with 90. saturday around 90, monday 90, sunday 90, and storms possible sunday and monday. but all things considered, seeing how today's record high is 106, that's not bad. >> all right, so you're writing about sports, so you're going to talk about weather? >> no. i have a guy who is capable who does that for me. that's my friend topper. no, we're talking about michael vick today, and you asked is he going to play again? i think he will. it may not be in this country. the canadians football league is a possibility. he's out of jail, but
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professional jail is still another matter. what's the next move for michael vick now that his freedom has been restored in will he play in this country this year? plus drastic measures for charles barkley. the tragedy, coming up. [ female announcer ] there are few guarantees in life. here's one for your skin that's clinically proven. olay professional pro-x wrinkle protocol is as effective as the leading wrinkle prescription brand at reducing the look of wrinkles. that's because olay has teamed with a highly specialized group of dermatologists and created a wrinkle protocol
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that gives you the results of the leading wrinkle prescription brand, without a prescription. olay professional pro-x. this is a guarantee you're guaranteed to love.
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. well, as of this morning, michael vick is a free man. for the first time in nearly two years he can go anywhere he wants except for the one place he wants to go most and that is
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into an nfl stadium wearing a uniform. his dog fighting sentence officially ended today. federal marshals arrived today to remove the monitoring device that he's been wearing during home confinement. he remains undefinitely suspended from the nfl. commissioner goodell will consider his reinstatement in the coming weeks. who will hire him? u.s.a. today says look west. >> all it takes is one team. you can project and look at teams that have issues at quarterback and you can project michael vick to some of those teams. one team right off the bat that i think will be intriguing in terms of where they might go with michael vick is san fransisco and the 49ers. >> he will get himself football ready by hiring well known trainer tom shaw. you can hear more from jared bell on vick's future on our website baseball now, and it's been a week since the nats fired manny acta and if the hope was
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to ignite a spark, even a temporary one, under this baseball team, it hasn't happened. yesterday's loss to the cubs was the fourth straight since riggleman took over the team. ryan zimmerman, who despite being the face of the franchise, has never fancied himself a focal leadier outside or inside the clubhouse as broken from the pattern saying the team needs more accountability and urgency and that some players lack the fire to win. >> they continue to learn from our mistakes and not do the same things and hopefully go forward and not backwards. >> it has to get better. can't get any worse. we're losing seems like every day, but you know, it's -- it has to turn. i mean, the effort is there, and no one is giving up. >> exasperation in adam dunn's voice. nats and mets. former nats hernandez goes for
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new york, he'll take on j.d. martin who makes his major league debut after eight years in the minors, which included one tommy johns surgery. if watson could make that one putt we'd be doing a great story and cover the hordes of senior citizens buying the driver. he didn't make the putt. still, he did set a record yesterday. the new world golf rankings are up and he moved from 1,374th in the world, to 105th, the largest jump in the rankings. he's ahead of young and he may get an exemption into the pga's championship next month. nadal back on the tennis court today for the first time since may. he hasn't played since suffering a knee injury at the french open but he began training for a
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possible comeback in montreal next month. finally tonight, as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of man landing on the moon, it seems to me that a nation capable of such a wonder should be able to teach charles barkley to golf. his swing is about as smooth as elmer fudd reading the gettysburg address. yesterday at the celebrity event, unable to get his right arm to cooperate. watch, he ditched his right arm. going with the one handed left hand only swing, and it didn't work either because that drive conked a lady on the head. >> he's playing for the love of the game. >> apparently because he's not going to win. >> that's it for us. the cbs evening news with katie couric i


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